
not_equal(x, y)[source]

Element-wise inequality comparison.

Computes the truth value of xi!=yi for each element xi of the input tensor x with the respective element yi of the input tensor y.

  • x – first input tensor. May have any data type.

  • y – second input tensor. Must be compatible with x (see Broadcasting mechanism and rules ). May have any data type.


a tensor containing the result of the element-wise results. The returned tensor must have a data type of bool.


Element-wise inequality comparison:

>>> x = Tensor([1, 2, 3])
>>> y = Tensor([1, 2, 4])
>>> F.not_equal(x, y)
Tensor([False False  True], dtype=bool, device=xpux:0)

The != operator can be used as a shorthand for F.not_equal on boolean tensors.

>>> x != y
Tensor([False False  True], dtype=bool, device=xpux:0)