>>> import as data
>>> import as T
Data loader. |
An abstract base class for all map-style datasets. |
ArrayDataset is a dataset for numpy array data. |
All datasets that represent an iterable of data samples should subclass it. |
ConcatDataset is a concatenation of multiple datasets. |
Vision Dataset¶
ImageFolder is a class for loading image data and labels from a organized folder. |
MNIST dataset. |
Pascal VOC Dataset. |
MS COCO Dataset. |
Cityscapes Dataset. |
Objects365 Dataset. |
Load ImageNet from raw files or folder. |
An abstract base class for all Sampler |
Sampler for map dataset. |
Sampler for stream dataset. |
Sample elements sequentially. |
Sample elements randomly without replacement. |
Sample elements randomly with replacement. |
Infinite Sampler warper for basic sampler. |
Rewrite apply method in subclass. |
Vision Transform¶
Base class of all transforms used in computer vision. |
Composes several transfomations together. |
Compose class used for transforms in torchvision, only support PIL image, some transforms with tensor in torchvision are not supported, such as Normalize and ToTensor in torchvision. |
Change input data to a target mode. |
Pad the input data. |
Resize the input data. |
Resize the input data with specified shortset edge. |
Resize the input data randomly. |
Crop the input data randomly. |
Crop the input data to random size and aspect ratio. |
Crops the given the input data at the center. |
Horizontally flip the input data randomly with a given probability. |
Vertically flip the input data randomly with a given probability. |
Normalize the input data with mean and standard deviation. |
Add random gaussian noise to the input data. |
Adjust brightness of the input data. |
Adjust saturation of the input data. |
Adjust contrast of the input data. |
Adjust hue of the input data. |
Randomly change the brightness, contrast, saturation and hue of an image. |
Apply AlexNet-Style "lighting" augmentation to input data. |
Used for merging a list of samples to form a mini-batch of Tensor(s). |