
class Sequential(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A sequential container. Modules will be added to it in the order they are passed in the constructor. Alternatively, an ordered dict of modules can also be passed in.


import numpy as np
import megengine as mge
import megengine.module as M
import megengine.functional as F
from collections import OrderedDict

batch_size = 64
data = mge.tensor(np.zeros((batch_size, 28 * 28)), dtype=np.float32)
label = mge.tensor(np.zeros(batch_size,), dtype=np.int32)

net0 = M.Sequential(
        M.Linear(28 * 28, 320),
        M.Linear(320, 10)
pred0 = net0(data)

modules = OrderedDict()
modules["fc0"] = M.Linear(28 * 28, 320)
modules["fc1"] = M.Linear(320, 10)
net1 = M.Sequential(modules)
pred1 = net1(data)