import math
from abc import abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
from .. import functional as F
from ..core.tensor.dtype import QuantDtypeMeta, _builtin_quant_dtypes
from ..distributed import WORLD, get_rank, is_distributed
from ..functional.distributed import all_reduce_max, all_reduce_min
from ..logger import get_logger
from ..module import Module
from ..tensor import Tensor
from .utils import QParams, QParamsModuleMixin, QuantMode, create_qparams
logger = get_logger(__name__)
[文档]class Observer(Module, QParamsModuleMixin):
r"""A base class for Observer Module. Used to record input tensor's statistics for
dtype: a string indicating which dtype to collect scale and zero_point of.
def __init__(self, dtype: Union[str, QuantDtypeMeta], **kwargs):
if isinstance(dtype, str):
if not dtype in _builtin_quant_dtypes:
raise ValueError(
"unknown dtype: {}, only support {}".format(
dtype, _builtin_quant_dtypes.keys()
dtype = _builtin_quant_dtypes[dtype]
if "narrow_range" in kwargs:
del kwargs["narrow_range"]
"FakeQuantize currently has no narrow_range param "
"so it is ignored here",
self.dtype = dtype
self.qmin = dtype.qmin
self.qmax = dtype.qmax
self.enabled = True
def enable(self):
self.enabled = True
def disable(self):
self.enabled = False
[文档] def train(self, mode: bool = True, recursive: bool = True) -> None:
super().train(mode, recursive)
if mode:
def forward(self, x):
[文档]class MinMaxObserver(Observer):
r"""A Observer Module records input tensor's running min and max values to calc scale.
mode: set quantization mode.
eps: a initial maximum value to avoid division by zero problem.
dtype: a string indicating which dtype to collect scale and zero_point of.
def __init__(
mode: QuantMode = QuantMode.SYMMERTIC,
eps: float = 0.00001,
dtype: Union[str, QuantDtypeMeta] = "qint8",
super().__init__(dtype, **kwargs)
self.mode = mode
self.min_val = Tensor(np.finfo(np.float32).max, dtype=np.float32)
self.max_val = Tensor(np.finfo(np.float32).min, dtype=np.float32)
self.scale_limit = eps
def _calculate_qparams(self, inp_min_val, inp_max_val):
min_val = F.minimum(0.0, inp_min_val)
max_val = F.maximum(0.0, inp_max_val)
if self.mode == QuantMode.SYMMERTIC:
symmetric_max_vals = F.maximum(-min_val, max_val)
# use maximun to avoid scale too small at the begin
scale = F.maximum(
symmetric_max_vals / ((self.qmax - self.qmin) / 2), self.scale_limit
zero_point = None
# use maximun to avoid scale too small at the begin
scale = F.maximum(
(max_val - min_val) / (self.qmax - self.qmin), self.scale_limit
# caculate zero_point
zero_point = self.qmin - F.round((min_val / scale))
return create_qparams(self.mode, self.dtype, scale=scale, zero_point=zero_point)
def get_qparams(self):
return self._calculate_qparams(self.min_val, self.max_val)
def forward(self, x_orig):
if self.enabled:
# stop gradient
x = x_orig.detach()
# find max and min
self.min_val[...] = F.minimum(self.min_val, x.min())
self.max_val[...] = F.maximum(self.max_val, x.max())
return x_orig
[文档]class SyncMinMaxObserver(MinMaxObserver):
r"""A distributed version of :class:`~.MinMaxObserver`.
mode: set quantization mode.
eps: a initial maximum value to avoid division by zero problem.
dtype: a string indicating which dtype to collect scale and zero_point of.
def forward(self, x_orig):
if self.enable:
x = x_orig.detach()
if is_distributed():
min_x = all_reduce_min(x.min(), WORLD)
max_x = all_reduce_max(x.max(), WORLD)
min_x = x.min()
max_x = x.max()
self.min_val[...] = F.minimum(self.min_val, min_x)
self.max_val[...] = F.maximum(self.max_val, max_x)
return x_orig
[文档]class ExponentialMovingAverageObserver(MinMaxObserver):
r"""A :class:`~.MinMaxObserver` with momentum support for min/max updating.
momentum: momentum ratio for min/max updating.
mode: set quantization mode.
eps: a initial maximum value to avoid division by zero problem.
dtype: a string indicating which dtype to collect scale and zero_point of.
def __init__(
momentum: float = 0.9,
mode: QuantMode = QuantMode.SYMMERTIC,
eps: float = 0.00001,
dtype: Union[str, QuantDtypeMeta] = "qint8",
super().__init__(mode, eps, dtype, **kwargs)
self.momentum = Tensor(momentum, dtype="float32")
# used to avoid if-clauses in the first forward which is not supported
# in trace mode.
self.runtime_momentum = Tensor(0.0)
def set_momentum(self, momentum):
self.momentum = Tensor(momentum, dtype="float32")
def forward(self, x_orig):
if self.enabled:
# stop gradient
x = x_orig.detach()
# Exponential Moving Average
self.min_val[...] = (
self.min_val * self.runtime_momentum
+ (1 - self.runtime_momentum) * x.min()
self.max_val[...] = (
self.max_val * self.runtime_momentum
+ (1 - self.runtime_momentum) * x.max()
self.runtime_momentum[...] = self.momentum
return x_orig
[文档]class SyncExponentialMovingAverageObserver(ExponentialMovingAverageObserver):
r"""A distributed version of :class:`~.ExponentialMovingAverageObserver`.
momentum: momentum ratio for min/max updating.
mode: set quantization mode.
eps: a initial maximum value to avoid division by zero problem.
dtype: a string indicating which dtype to collect scale and zero_point of.
def forward(self, x_orig):
if self.enabled:
x = x_orig.detach()
if is_distributed():
min_x = all_reduce_min(x.min(), WORLD)
max_x = all_reduce_max(x.max(), WORLD)
min_x = x.min()
max_x = x.max()
self.min_val[...] = (
self.min_val * self.runtime_momentum
+ (1 - self.runtime_momentum) * min_x
self.max_val[...] = (
self.max_val * self.runtime_momentum
+ (1 - self.runtime_momentum) * max_x
self.runtime_momentum[...] = self.momentum
return x_orig
[文档]class HistogramObserver(MinMaxObserver):
r"""A :class:`~.MinMaxObserver` using running histogram of tensor values
for min/max updating. Usually used for calibration quantization.
bins: number of bins to use for the histogram.
upsample_rate: which ratio to interpolate histograms in.
mode: set quantization mode.
eps: a initial maximum value to avoid division by zero problem.
dtype: a string indicating which dtype to collect scale and zero_point of.
def __init__(
bins: int = 2048,
upsample_rate: int = 128,
mode: QuantMode = QuantMode.SYMMERTIC,
eps: float = 0.00001,
dtype: Union[str, QuantDtypeMeta] = "qint8",
super().__init__(mode, eps, dtype, **kwargs)
self.bins = bins
self.upsample_rate = upsample_rate
self.dst_nbins = (
_builtin_quant_dtypes[dtype].qmax - _builtin_quant_dtypes[dtype].qmin + 1
self.histogram = Tensor([-1] + [0.0] * (bins - 1), dtype="float32")
def _non_linear_param_search(self):
r"""Non-linear parameter search.
An approximation for L2 error minimization for selecting min/max.
By selecting new min/max, we filter out outliers in input distribution.
np_min_val = self.min_val.numpy()
np_max_val = self.max_val.numpy()
np_histogram = self.histogram.numpy()
assert len(np_histogram) == self.bins, "bins mistmatch"
bin_width = (np_max_val - np_min_val) / self.bins
def _get_norm(delta_begin, delta_end, density, norm_type):
r"""Compute the norm of the values uniformaly distributed between
delta_begin and delta_end.
norm = density * (integral_{begin, end} x^2)
= density * (end^3 - begin^3) / 3
assert norm_type == "L2", "Only L2 norms are currently supported"
norm = 0.0
if norm_type == "L2":
norm = (
delta_end * delta_end * delta_end
- delta_begin * delta_begin * delta_begin
) / 3
return density * norm
def _compute_quantization_error(next_start_bin, next_end_bin, norm_type):
r"""Compute the quantization error if we use start_bin to end_bin as the
min and max to do the quantization.
norm = 0.0
dst_bin_width = (
bin_width * (next_end_bin - next_start_bin + 1) / self.dst_nbins
if dst_bin_width == 0.0:
return 0.0
for src_bin in range(self.bins):
# distances from the beginning of first dst_bin to the beginning and
# end of src_bin
src_bin_begin = (src_bin - next_start_bin) * bin_width
src_bin_end = src_bin_begin + bin_width
# which dst_bins the beginning and end of src_bin belong to?
dst_bin_of_begin = min(
self.dst_nbins - 1,
max(0.0, math.floor(src_bin_begin / dst_bin_width)),
dst_bin_of_end = min(
self.dst_nbins - 1,
max(0.0, math.floor(src_bin_end / dst_bin_width)),
dst_bin_of_begin_center = (
dst_bin_of_begin * dst_bin_width + dst_bin_width / 2
density = np_histogram[src_bin] / bin_width
if dst_bin_of_begin == dst_bin_of_end:
# if src_bin is entirely within 1 dst_bin
delta_begin = src_bin_begin - dst_bin_of_begin_center
delta_end = src_bin_end - dst_bin_of_begin_center
norm = norm + _get_norm(delta_begin, delta_end, density, norm_type)
delta_begin = src_bin_begin - dst_bin_of_begin_center
delta_end = dst_bin_width / 2
norm = norm + _get_norm(delta_begin, delta_end, density, norm_type)
norm = norm + (dst_bin_of_end - dst_bin_of_begin - 1) * _get_norm(
-dst_bin_width / 2, dst_bin_width / 2, density, norm_type
dst_bin_of_end_center = (
dst_bin_of_end * dst_bin_width + dst_bin_width / 2
delta_begin = -dst_bin_width / 2
delta_end = src_bin_end - dst_bin_of_end_center
norm = norm + _get_norm(delta_begin, delta_end, density, norm_type)
return norm
# cumulative sum
total = sum(np_histogram)
cSum = np.cumsum(np_histogram, axis=0)
stepsize = 1e-5 # granularity
alpha = 0.0 # lower bound
beta = 1.0 # upper bound
start_bin = 0
end_bin = self.bins - 1
norm_min = float("inf")
while alpha < beta:
# Find the next step
next_alpha = alpha + stepsize
next_beta = beta - stepsize
# find the left and right bins between the quantile bounds
l = start_bin
r = end_bin
while l < end_bin and cSum[l] < next_alpha * total:
l = l + 1
while r > start_bin and cSum[r] > next_beta * total:
r = r - 1
# decide the next move
next_start_bin = start_bin
next_end_bin = end_bin
if (l - start_bin) > (end_bin - r):
# move the start bin
next_start_bin = l
alpha = next_alpha
# move the end bin
next_end_bin = r
beta = next_beta
if next_start_bin == start_bin and next_end_bin == end_bin:
# calculate the quantization error using next_start_bin and next_end_bin
norm = _compute_quantization_error(next_start_bin, next_end_bin, "L2")
if norm > norm_min:
norm_min = norm
start_bin = next_start_bin
end_bin = next_end_bin
new_min = self.min_val + Tensor(bin_width * start_bin, dtype=np.float32)
new_max = self.min_val + Tensor(bin_width * (end_bin + 1), dtype=np.float32)
return new_min, new_max
def get_qparams(self):
new_min, new_max = self._non_linear_param_search()
return self._calculate_qparams(new_min, new_max)
def _combine_histograms(
self, orig_hist, new_hist, upsample_rate, downsample_rate, start_idx, Nbins
# First up-sample the histogram with new data by a factor of L
# This creates an approximate probability density thats piecwise constant
upsampled_histogram = new_hist.repeat(upsample_rate)
# Now insert the upsampled histogram into the output
# histogram, which is initialized with zeros.
# The offset at which the histogram is introduced is determined
# by the start index as the output histogram can cover a wider range
histogram_with_output_range = np.zeros((Nbins * downsample_rate))
start_idx : Nbins * upsample_rate + start_idx
] = upsampled_histogram
# Compute integral histogram, double precision is needed to ensure
# that there are no overflows
integral_histogram = np.cumsum(histogram_with_output_range, 0)[
downsample_rate - 1 :: downsample_rate
# Finally perform interpolation
shifted_integral_histogram = np.zeros((Nbins))
shifted_integral_histogram[1:Nbins] = integral_histogram[0:-1]
interpolated_histogram = (
integral_histogram - shifted_integral_histogram
) / upsample_rate
orig_hist = orig_hist + interpolated_histogram
return orig_hist
def _adjust_min_max(self, combined_min, combined_max, upsample_rate):
# We ensure that:
# (combined_max - combined_min)/(downsample_rate*Nbins) = (max - min)/(upsample_rate*Nbins)
# This allows us to have a common grid of resolution s, where we can align
# the input histogram
# start_idx maps min_val to the histogram bin index.
np_min_val = self.min_val.numpy()
np_max_val = self.max_val.numpy()
hist_bin_width = (np_max_val - np_min_val) / (self.bins * upsample_rate)
downsample_rate = int(
np.ceil((combined_max - combined_min) / (self.bins * hist_bin_width))
e = downsample_rate * (self.bins * hist_bin_width) - (
combined_max - combined_min
combined_max = combined_max + e / 2
combined_min = combined_min - e / 2
start_idx = int(np.round((np_min_val - combined_min) / hist_bin_width))
return combined_min, combined_max, downsample_rate, start_idx
def sideeffect_forward(self, x_orig):
x = x_orig.numpy()
min_val = self.min_val.numpy()
max_val = self.max_val.numpy()
histogram = self.histogram.numpy()
new_min = x.min()
new_max = x.max()
if histogram[0] == -1:
new_histogram, _ = np.histogram(x, self.bins, (new_min, new_max))
new_min = min(new_min, min_val)
new_max = max(new_max, max_val)
# combine the existing histogram and new histogram into 1 histogram
# We do this by first upsampling the histogram to a dense grid
# and then downsampling the histogram efficiently
(new_min, new_max, downsample_rate, start_idx) = self._adjust_min_max(
new_min, new_max, self.upsample_rate
new_histogram, _ = np.histogram(x, self.bins, (new_min, new_max))
new_histogram = new_histogram.astype(np.float64)
if new_min == min_val and new_max == max_val:
new_histogram += histogram
new_histogram = self._combine_histograms(
self.histogram = Tensor(new_histogram, dtype="float32")
self.min_val = Tensor(new_min, dtype="float32")
self.max_val = Tensor(new_max, dtype="float32")
def forward(self, x_orig):
return x_orig
[文档]class PassiveObserver(Observer):
r"""An Observer that supports setting :attr:`scale` directly."""
def __init__(self, dtype: Union[str, QuantDtypeMeta], **kwargs):
super().__init__(dtype, **kwargs)
self.qparams = None
self.orig_scale = None
def scale(self):
return self.qparams.scale
def scale(self, value: np.ndarray):
assert np.all(value > 0)
self.qparams.scale[...] = Tensor(value)
def get_qparams(self):
return self.qparams
[文档] def set_qparams(self, qparams: QParams):
r"""set the ``qparams``.
qparams: used to set initial scale.
self.qparams = deepcopy(qparams)
if qparams.scale is None:
raise AssertionError("Can not get an initialized scale")
if qparams.dtype_meta is None:
qparams.dtype_meta = self.dtype
assert (
qparams.dtype_meta is self.dtype
), "input qparams' dtype is not equal to self.dtype.\nqparams.dtype_meta={}\nself.dtype={}".format(
qparams.dtype_meta, self.dtype
self.orig_scale = qparams.scale.numpy()
[文档] def forward(self, x):
r"""Just return input because :attr:`qparams` is set by :func:`~.apply_easy_quant`."""
return x