# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Part of the following code in this file refs to maskrcnn-benchmark
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2018 Facebook
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
import json
import os
from collections import defaultdict
import cv2
import numpy as np
from .meta_vision import VisionDataset
min_keypoints_per_image = 10
def _count_visible_keypoints(anno):
return sum(sum(1 for v in ann["keypoints"][2::3] if v > 0) for ann in anno)
def has_valid_annotation(anno, order):
# if it"s empty, there is no annotation
if len(anno) == 0:
return False
if "boxes" in order or "boxes_category" in order:
if "bbox" not in anno[0]:
return False
if "keypoints" in order:
if "keypoints" not in anno[0]:
return False
# for keypoint detection tasks, only consider valid images those
# containing at least min_keypoints_per_image
if _count_visible_keypoints(anno) < min_keypoints_per_image:
return False
return True
[文档]class COCO(VisionDataset):
r"""`MS COCO <http://cocodataset.org/#home>`_ Dataset."""
supported_order = (
# TODO: need to check
# "polygons",
def __init__(
self, root, ann_file, remove_images_without_annotations=False, *, order=None
super().__init__(root, order=order, supported_order=self.supported_order)
with open(ann_file, "r") as f:
dataset = json.load(f)
self.imgs = dict()
for img in dataset["images"]:
# for saving memory
if "license" in img:
del img["license"]
if "coco_url" in img:
del img["coco_url"]
if "date_captured" in img:
del img["date_captured"]
if "flickr_url" in img:
del img["flickr_url"]
self.imgs[img["id"]] = img
self.img_to_anns = defaultdict(list)
for ann in dataset["annotations"]:
# for saving memory
if (
"boxes" not in self.order
and "boxes_category" not in self.order
and "bbox" in ann
del ann["bbox"]
if "polygons" not in self.order and "segmentation" in ann:
del ann["segmentation"]
self.cats = dict()
for cat in dataset["categories"]:
self.cats[cat["id"]] = cat
self.ids = list(sorted(self.imgs.keys()))
# filter images without detection annotations
if remove_images_without_annotations:
ids = []
for img_id in self.ids:
anno = self.img_to_anns[img_id]
# filter crowd annotations
anno = [obj for obj in anno if obj["iscrowd"] == 0]
anno = [
obj for obj in anno if obj["bbox"][2] > 0 and obj["bbox"][3] > 0
if has_valid_annotation(anno, order):
self.img_to_anns[img_id] = anno
del self.imgs[img_id]
del self.img_to_anns[img_id]
self.ids = ids
self.json_category_id_to_contiguous_id = {
v: i + 1 for i, v in enumerate(sorted(self.cats.keys()))
self.contiguous_category_id_to_json_id = {
v: k for k, v in self.json_category_id_to_contiguous_id.items()
def __getitem__(self, index):
img_id = self.ids[index]
anno = self.img_to_anns[img_id]
target = []
for k in self.order:
if k == "image":
file_name = self.imgs[img_id]["file_name"]
path = os.path.join(self.root, file_name)
image = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
elif k == "boxes":
boxes = [obj["bbox"] for obj in anno]
boxes = np.array(boxes, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
# transfer boxes from xywh to xyxy
boxes[:, 2:] += boxes[:, :2]
elif k == "boxes_category":
boxes_category = [obj["category_id"] for obj in anno]
boxes_category = [
self.json_category_id_to_contiguous_id[c] for c in boxes_category
boxes_category = np.array(boxes_category, dtype=np.int32)
elif k == "keypoints":
keypoints = [obj["keypoints"] for obj in anno]
keypoints = np.array(keypoints, dtype=np.float32).reshape(
-1, len(self.keypoint_names), 3
elif k == "polygons":
polygons = [obj["segmentation"] for obj in anno]
polygons = [
[np.array(p, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 2) for p in ps]
for ps in polygons
elif k == "info":
info = self.imgs[img_id]
info = [info["height"], info["width"], info["file_name"]]
raise NotImplementedError
return tuple(target)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.ids)
def get_img_info(self, index):
img_id = self.ids[index]
img_info = self.imgs[img_id]
return img_info
class_names = (
"traffic light",
"fire hydrant",
"stop sign",
"parking meter",
"sports ball",
"baseball bat",
"baseball glove",
"tennis racket",
"wine glass",
"hot dog",
"potted plant",
"dining table",
"cell phone",
"teddy bear",
"hair drier",
classes_originID = {
"person": 1,
"bicycle": 2,
"car": 3,
"motorcycle": 4,
"airplane": 5,
"bus": 6,
"train": 7,
"truck": 8,
"boat": 9,
"traffic light": 10,
"fire hydrant": 11,
"stop sign": 13,
"parking meter": 14,
"bench": 15,
"bird": 16,
"cat": 17,
"dog": 18,
"horse": 19,
"sheep": 20,
"cow": 21,
"elephant": 22,
"bear": 23,
"zebra": 24,
"giraffe": 25,
"backpack": 27,
"umbrella": 28,
"handbag": 31,
"tie": 32,
"suitcase": 33,
"frisbee": 34,
"skis": 35,
"snowboard": 36,
"sports ball": 37,
"kite": 38,
"baseball bat": 39,
"baseball glove": 40,
"skateboard": 41,
"surfboard": 42,
"tennis racket": 43,
"bottle": 44,
"wine glass": 46,
"cup": 47,
"fork": 48,
"knife": 49,
"spoon": 50,
"bowl": 51,
"banana": 52,
"apple": 53,
"sandwich": 54,
"orange": 55,
"broccoli": 56,
"carrot": 57,
"hot dog": 58,
"pizza": 59,
"donut": 60,
"cake": 61,
"chair": 62,
"couch": 63,
"potted plant": 64,
"bed": 65,
"dining table": 67,
"toilet": 70,
"tv": 72,
"laptop": 73,
"mouse": 74,
"remote": 75,
"keyboard": 76,
"cell phone": 77,
"microwave": 78,
"oven": 79,
"toaster": 80,
"sink": 81,
"refrigerator": 82,
"book": 84,
"clock": 85,
"vase": 86,
"scissors": 87,
"teddy bear": 88,
"hair drier": 89,
"toothbrush": 90,
keypoint_names = (