# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import weakref
from .._imperative_rt import core2
_grad_count = 0
_grad_manager_dict = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
def get_grad_managers():
return [_grad_manager_dict[key] for key in _grad_manager_dict]
class GradKey(core2.GradKey):
def __init__(self, name=None):
if name:
self.name = name
def backward(self, ys, dys):
return core2.backward(self, ys, dys)
class Grad:
stack = []
grouping = False
key2grad = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
def __init__(self, name=None):
global _grad_count
if name is None:
name = "grad_%d" % _grad_count
_grad_count += 1
self._refkeeper = []
self._impl = GradKey(name)
Grad.key2grad[self._impl] = self
_grad_manager_dict[self._name] = self
self._group = [weakref.ref(self)]
def _name(self):
return self._impl.name
def _is_attached_to(self, tensor):
return self._impl.is_attached_to(tensor)
def wrt(self, *tensors, callback=None):
for x in tensors:
self._impl.attach(x, callback)
return self
def __call__(self, ys, dys):
from collections.abc import Sequence
if not isinstance(ys, Sequence):
ys = [ys]
if not isinstance(dys, Sequence):
dys = [dys]
group = [ref() for ref in self._group]
for grad in group:
if grad is self:
self._impl.backward(ys, dys)
for grad in group:
if grad is self:
self._refkeeper = None
return None
def __enter__(self):
ref = weakref.ref(self)
if Grad.grouping:
group = Grad.stack[-1]
self._group = group
return self
def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3):
self._refkeeper = None
del Grad.key2grad[self._impl]
self._impl = None
if len(self._group) == 0:
def begin_group():
assert not Grad.grouping
Grad.grouping = True
def end_group():
group = Grad.stack[-1]
assert len(group) > 0
assert Grad.grouping
Grad.grouping = False
def suppress(self):
if self._impl is not None:
def resume(self):
if self._impl is not None:
[文档]class Function:
r"""Defines a block of operations with customizable differentiation.
The computation should be defined in ``forward`` method, with gradient
computation defined in ``backward`` method.
Each instance of ``Function`` should be used only once during forwardding.
.. code-block::
class Sigmoid(Function):
def forward(self, x):
y = 1 / (1 + F.exp(-x))
self.y = y
return y
def backward(self, dy):
y = self.y
[文档] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
r"""Applies operations to ``inputs`` and returns results. It must be overriden by all subclasses.
input: input tensors.
a tuple of Tensor or a single Tensor.
* This method should return a tuple of Tensor or a single Tensor representing the output
of the function.
* positional arguments should all be Tensor
raise NotImplementedError
[文档] def backward(self, *output_grads):
r"""Compute the gradient of the forward function. It must be overriden by all subclasses.
output_grads: gradients of outputs that are returned by :meth:`forward`.
* In case when some tensors of outputs are not related to loss function, the corresponding
values in ``output_grads`` would be ``None``.
* This method should return a tuple which containing the gradients of all inputs, in the same order
as the ``inputs`` argument of :meth:`forward` . A ``Tensor`` could be returned
instead if there is only one input. If users want to stop the propagation of some gradients,
the corresponding returned values should be set ``None`` .
raise NotImplementedError
def _default_rule(self, *args):
ret = self.forward(*args)
self.__single_output = isinstance(ret, core2.Tensor)
return ret
def _grad_rule(self, *args):
return self._default_rule(*args), self.backward
def __call__(self, *args):
from ...tensor import Tensor
for arg in args:
if not isinstance(arg, Tensor):
raise TypeError(
"op Function expect type Tensor as inputs, got {}".format(type(arg))
grad_key = core2.get_grad_key(args)
if grad_key is None:
return self._default_rule(*args)
grad = Grad.key2grad[grad_key]
group = [ref() for ref in grad._group]
origin_args = [Tensor(arg) for arg in args]
for grad in group:
outputs, backward = self._grad_rule(*args)
for grad in reversed(group):
def normalized_backward(*output_grads):
input_grads = backward(*output_grads)
if isinstance(input_grads, Tensor) or input_grads is None:
input_grads = (input_grads,)
return input_grads
if self.__single_output:
outputs = (outputs,)
outputs = core2.set_grad(normalized_backward, origin_args, outputs)
if self.__single_output:
(outputs,) = outputs
return outputs
def __getstate__(self):
return self.__dict__
def __setstate__(self, state):