# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
from functools import reduce
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from ..functional import full
from ..random import normal, uniform
from ..tensor import Tensor
[docs]def fill_(tensor: Tensor, val: Union[float, int]) -> None:
"""Fills the given ``tensor`` with value ``val``.
tensor: tensor to be initialized.
val: value to be filled throughout the tensor.
tensor._reset(full(shape=tensor.shape, value=val, dtype=tensor.dtype))
[docs]def zeros_(tensor: Tensor) -> None:
"""Fills the given ``tensor`` with scalar value `0`.
tensor: tensor to be initialized.
fill_(tensor, 0)
[docs]def ones_(tensor: Tensor) -> None:
"""Fills the given ``tensor`` with the scalar value `1`.
tensor: tensor to be initialized.
fill_(tensor, 1)
[docs]def normal_(tensor: Tensor, mean: float = 0.0, std: float = 1.0) -> None:
r"""Fills the given ``tensor`` with random value sampled from normal distribution
:math:`\mathcal{N}(\text{mean}, \text{std}^2)`.
tensor: tensor to be initialized.
mean: mean of the normal distribution.
std: standard deviation of the normal distribution.
tensor._reset(normal(size=tensor.shape, mean=mean, std=std).astype(tensor.dtype))
[docs]def calculate_gain(
nonlinearity: str, param: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None
) -> float:
r"""Returns a recommended gain value (see the table below) for the given nonlinearity
================= ====================================================
nonlinearity gain
================= ====================================================
Linear / Identity :math:`1`
Conv{1,2,3}D :math:`1`
Sigmoid :math:`1`
Tanh :math:`\frac{5}{3}`
ReLU :math:`\sqrt{2}`
Leaky Relu :math:`\sqrt{\frac{2}{1 + {\text{negative}_\text{slope}}^2}}`
================= ====================================================
nonlinearity: name of the non-linear function.
param: optional parameter for leaky_relu. Only effective when
``nonlinearity`` is "leaky_relu".
linear_fns = [
if nonlinearity in linear_fns or nonlinearity == "sigmoid":
return 1
if nonlinearity == "tanh":
return 5.0 / 3
if nonlinearity == "relu":
return math.sqrt(2.0)
if nonlinearity == "leaky_relu":
if param is None:
negative_slope = 0.01
elif (
not isinstance(param, bool)
and isinstance(param, int)
or isinstance(param, float)
# True/False are instances of int, hence check above
negative_slope = param
raise ValueError("negative_slope {} not a valid number".format(param))
return math.sqrt(2.0 / (1 + negative_slope ** 2))
raise ValueError("Unsupported nonlinearity {}".format(nonlinearity))
[docs]def calculate_fan_in_and_fan_out(tensor: Tensor) -> Tuple[float, float]:
r"""Calculates fan_in / fan_out value for given weight tensor. This function assumes
input tensor is stored in ``NCHW`` format.
The group conv2d kernel shape in MegEngine is ``(G, O/G, I/G, K, K)``. This
function calculates ``fan_out = O/G * K * K`` as default, but PyTorch uses
``fan_out = O * K * K``.
tensor: weight tensor in ``NCHW`` format.
shape = tensor.shape
ndim = len(shape)
if ndim < 2:
raise ValueError(
"fan_in and fan_out can not be computed for tensor with fewer than 2 "
if ndim == 2: # Linear
fan_in = shape[1]
fan_out = shape[0]
if ndim >= 5:
# ignore the groups dimension of group conv2d and group conv3d
# FIXME: will be wrong for conv3d
shape = shape[1:]
num_input_fmaps = shape[1]
num_output_fmaps = shape[0]
receptive_field_size = 1
if ndim > 2:
receptive_field_size = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, shape[2:], 1)
fan_in = num_input_fmaps * receptive_field_size
fan_out = num_output_fmaps * receptive_field_size
return fan_in, fan_out
[docs]def calculate_correct_fan(tensor: Tensor, mode: str) -> float:
r"""Calculates fan_in / fan_out value for given weight tensor, depending on given
See :func:`calculate_fan_in_and_fan_out` for details.
tensor: weight tensor in ``NCHW`` format.
mode: fan_in" or "fan_out".
mode = mode.lower()
valid_modes = ["fan_in", "fan_out"]
if mode not in valid_modes:
raise ValueError(
"Mode {} not supported, please use one of {}".format(mode, valid_modes)
fan_in, fan_out = calculate_fan_in_and_fan_out(tensor)
return fan_in if mode == "fan_in" else fan_out
[docs]def xavier_normal_(tensor: Tensor, gain: float = 1.0) -> None:
r"""Fills tensor with random values sampled from
:math:`\mathcal{N}(0, \text{std}^2)` where
.. math::
\text{std} = \text{gain} \times \sqrt{\frac{2}{\text{fan_in} + \text{fan_out}}}
Also known as Glorot initialization. Detailed information can be retrieved from
`Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks` -
Glorot, X. & Bengio, Y. (2010).
tensor: tensor to be initialized.
gain: scaling factor for :math:`std`.
fan_in, fan_out = calculate_fan_in_and_fan_out(tensor)
std = gain * math.sqrt(2.0 / float(fan_in + fan_out))
normal_(tensor, 0.0, std)
[docs]def msra_normal_(
tensor: Tensor, a: float = 0, mode: str = "fan_in", nonlinearity: str = "leaky_relu"
) -> None:
r"""Fills tensor wilth random values sampled from
:math:`\mathcal{N}(0, \text{std}^2)` where
.. math::
\text{std} = \sqrt{\frac{2}{(1 + a^2) \times \text{fan_in}}}
Detailed information can be retrieved from
`Delving deep into rectifiers: Surpassing human-level performance on ImageNet
tensor: tensor to be initialized
a: optional parameter for calculating gain for leaky_relu. See
:func:`calculate_gain` for details.
mode: fan_in" or "fan_out", used to calculate :math:`gain`, the
scaling factor for :math:`gain`. See :func:`calculate_fan_in_and_fan_out` for
nonlinearity: name of the non-linear function used to calculate :math:`gain`.
See :func:`calculate_gain` for details.
fan = calculate_correct_fan(tensor, mode)
gain = calculate_gain(nonlinearity, a)
std = gain / math.sqrt(fan)
normal_(tensor, 0, std)