Source code for megengine.distributed.helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import functools
import multiprocessing as mp
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Callable
from weakref import WeakSet

import numpy as np

from megengine.autodiff.grad_manager import GradManager, get_backwarding_grad_manager

from ..core._imperative_rt.core2 import apply
from ..core._trace_option import use_xla_backend
from ..core.ops.builtin import ParamPackConcat, ParamPackSplit
from ..functional.tensor import copy
from ..tensor import Tensor
from ..utils.deprecation import deprecated_func
from ..utils.future import Future
from . import group as _group
from .functional import _bcast_param, all_reduce_sum, broadcast
from .group import WORLD, Group, group_barrier, is_distributed, override_backend

[docs]def param_pack_split(inp: Tensor, offsets: list, shapes: list): r"""Returns split tensor to list of tensors as offsets and shapes described, only used for ``parampack``. Args: inp: input tensor. offsets: offsets of outputs, length of ``2 * n``, where ``n`` is the number of tensor you want to split, format ``[begin0, end0, begin1, end1]``. shapes: tensor shapes of outputs. Returns: splitted tensors. Examples: >>> a = F.ones(10) >>> b, c = dist.helper.param_pack_split(a, [0, 1, 1, 10], [(1,), (3, 3)]) >>> b Tensor([1.], device=xpux:0) >>> c Tensor([[1. 1. 1.] [1. 1. 1.] [1. 1. 1.]], device=xpux:0) """ op = ParamPackSplit() op.offsets = offsets op.shapes = [s or (1,) for s in shapes] outputs = apply(op, inp) return outputs
[docs]def param_pack_concat(inps: list, offsets: Tensor, offsets_val: list): r"""Returns concated tensor, only used for ``parampack``. Args: inps: list of input tensors. offsets: device value of offsets. offsets_val: offsets of inputs, length of ``2 * n``, format ``[begin0, end0, begin1, end1]``. Returns: concated tensor. Examples: >>> a = F.ones(1) >>> b = F.ones((3, 3)) >>> offsets_val = [0, 1, 1, 10] >>> offsets = Tensor(offsets_val) >>> c = dist.helper.param_pack_concat([a, b], offsets, offsets_val) # doctest: +SKIP Tensor([1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.], device=xpux:0) """ op = ParamPackConcat() op.offsets = offsets_val return apply(op, *inps, offsets)[0]
def get_offsets(shapes): offsets = [] offset = 0 for shape in shapes: offsets.append(offset) offset += int( offsets.append(offset) return offsets _enable_p2p_cache = None def _check_enable_p2p(): global _enable_p2p_cache if _enable_p2p_cache is not None: return _enable_p2p_cache cmd = ["nvidia-smi", "topo", "-p2p", "w"] import subprocess output =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout if output.count(b"OK") > 1: _enable_p2p_cache = True return True else: _enable_p2p_cache = False return False
[docs]def pack_allreduce_split(pack_list, shapes, group, reduce_method): offsets_val = get_offsets(shapes) offsets = Tensor(offsets_val) packed_grads = param_pack_concat(pack_list, offsets, offsets_val) packed_grads = all_reduce_sum(packed_grads, group, group.comp_node) if reduce_method == "mean": packed_grads /= group.size grads = param_pack_split(packed_grads, offsets_val, shapes) return grads
class TensorFuture(Future): def device(self): raise "Sorry, this tensor is not ready" def numpy(self): raise "Sorry, this tensor is not ready" def shape(self): raise "Sorry, this tensor is not ready" def dtype(self): raise "Sorry, this tensor is not ready"
[docs]def synchronized(func: Callable): r"""Decorator. Decorated function will synchronize when finished. Specifically, we use this to prevent data race during hub.load """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not is_distributed(): return func(*args, **kwargs) ret = func(*args, **kwargs) group_barrier() return ret return wrapper
def _check_device_initialized(device_type: str, rank: int): try: test = Tensor(1, device=(device_type + str(rank))) del test except Exception as e: errmsg = ( "Device initialization check failed, which may be caused " "by using CUDA before forking the thread. Please review " "the code to ensure that no CUDA functions or variables " "are used before forking." ) raise RuntimeError(errmsg) from e def _check_interpreter_status(): from ..core._imperative_rt.core2 import get_option _ = get_option("async_level") get_device_count_by_fork = deprecated_func( "1.5", "megengine.device", "get_device_count", False )
[docs]def bcast_list_(inps: list, group: Group = WORLD): r"""Broadcast tensors between given group. Args: inps(List[Tensor]): input tensors. group(:attr:`, optional): communication group. Default: WORLD. """ for inp in inps: inp._reset(_bcast_param(inp, group))
[docs]class AllreduceCallback: r"""Allreduce Callback with tensor fusion optimization. Args: reduce_method(str): the method to reduce gradiants. ``reduce_method`` should be "sum" or "mean". group(:attr:`, optional): communication group. Default: WORLD. backend(str, optional): override distributed backend in allreduce. If ``backend`` is None, will use the backend set in ``dist.launcher``. Default: None. Examples: .. code-block:: python import megengine as mge import megengine.autodiff as ad import megengine.distributed as dist gm = ad.GradManager() gm.attach(linear_cls.parameters(), callbacks=[dist.make_allreduce_cb("sum")]) """ def __init__(self, reduce_method: str, group: Group = WORLD, backend: str = None): reduce_method = reduce_method.lower() assert reduce_method in ["sum", "mean"], "reduce_method should be sum or mean" self._reduce_method = reduce_method self._group = group self._marked_gm = WeakSet() self._param_pack_thd = 10 * 1024 * 1024 self._reset() if backend is None: assert _group._sd, "please call init_process_group first" backend = _group._sd.backend if backend == "auto": backend = "nccl" self._backend = backend def _reset(self): self._params = [] self._gradients_dict = dict() self._futures_dict = dict() self._packing_list = defaultdict(list) self._packing_size = defaultdict(int) self._grad_origin_device = dict() def _pack(self, dtype): if len(self._packing_list[dtype]) == 0: return grad_list = [self._gradients_dict[p] for p in self._packing_list[dtype]] shapes = [p._tuple_shape for p in self._packing_list[dtype]] with override_backend(self._backend): reduced_grads = pack_allreduce_split( grad_list, shapes, self._group, self._reduce_method ) for param, grad in zip(self._packing_list[dtype], reduced_grads): self._gradients_dict[param] = grad self._packing_list[dtype] = [] self._packing_size[dtype] = 0 def __call__(self, param, grad): if use_xla_backend(): self._used_xla = True grad = all_reduce_sum(grad, self._group) if self._reduce_method == "mean": grad /= self._group.size return grad # TODO: Integrate the allreduce process of XLA with the allreduce process of imperative into one. if getattr(self, "_used_xla", False) and grad._is_external_value(): return grad gm = get_backwarding_grad_manager() assert isinstance(gm, GradManager) if gm not in self._marked_gm: gm._register_after_backward_callback(self._flush) self._marked_gm.add(gm) self._params.append(param) self._futures_dict[param] = TensorFuture(ack=False) self._gradients_dict[param] = grad self._grad_origin_device[param] = str(grad.device) dtype_str = str(np.dtype(param.dtype)) dtype_size = np.dtype(param.dtype).itemsize self._packing_list[dtype_str].append(param) self._packing_size[dtype_str] += int( * dtype_size if self._packing_size[dtype_str] > self._param_pack_thd: self._pack(dtype_str) return self._futures_dict[param] def _flush(self): for dtype in sorted(self._packing_list.keys()): self._pack(dtype) for param in self._params: grad = self._gradients_dict[param] grad = copy(grad, self._grad_origin_device[param]) self._futures_dict[param].set(grad) self._reset()
make_allreduce_cb = AllreduceCallback