# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# MegEngine is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
import collections
import time
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union
from numpy.random import MT19937
from .. import Tensor
from ..core._imperative_rt.core2 import apply
from ..core._imperative_rt.ops import delete_rng_handle as _delete_rng_handle
from ..core._imperative_rt.ops import get_global_rng_seed as _get_global_rng_seed
from ..core._imperative_rt.ops import (
get_rng_handle_compnode as _get_rng_handle_compnode,
from ..core._imperative_rt.ops import new_rng_handle as _new_rng_handle
from ..core._imperative_rt.ops import set_global_rng_seed as _set_global_rng_seed
from ..core.ops.builtin import (
from ..core.tensor import utils
from ..device import get_default_device
__all__ = [
_rng = None
def _infer_broadcasted_shape(inps: Iterable[Tensor]) -> tuple:
broadcasted_ndim = inps[0].ndim
broadcasted_shape = list(inps[0]._tuple_shape)
for i in range(1, len(inps)):
cur_ndim = inps[i].ndim
cur_shape = list(inps[i]._tuple_shape)
n_dim = max(cur_ndim, broadcasted_ndim)
for j in range(n_dim - 1, -1, -1):
cur_dim = cur_ndim + j - n_dim
broad_dim = broadcasted_ndim + j - n_dim
cur_size = cur_shape[cur_dim] if cur_dim >= 0 else 1
broad_size = broadcasted_shape[broad_dim] if broad_dim >= 0 else 1
assert cur_size == broad_size or cur_size == 1 or broad_size == 1, (
"The size of inps[{}] ({}) must match the size ({}) at "
"dim {}".format(i, cur_size, broad_size, j)
broad_size = max(cur_size, broad_size)
if broad_dim < 0:
broadcasted_shape = [broad_size] + broadcasted_shape
broadcasted_ndim += 1
broadcasted_shape[broad_dim] = broad_size
return tuple(broadcasted_shape)
def _broadcast_tensors_with_size(
inps: Iterable[Tensor], size: Iterable[int]
) -> Iterable[Tensor]:
assert inps, "The inps cloud not be empty"
target_shape = _infer_broadcasted_shape(inps)
if isinstance(size, collections.abc.Iterable):
target_shape = tuple(size) + target_shape
target_ndim = len(target_shape)
for i in range(len(inps)):
if inps[i]._tuple_shape != target_shape:
inps[i] = (
.reshape((1,) * (target_ndim - inps[i].ndim) + inps[i]._tuple_shape)
return inps
def _uniform(
low: float,
high: float,
size: Optional[Iterable[int]],
seed: int,
device: str,
handle: int,
) -> Tensor:
assert low < high, "Uniform is not defined when low >= high"
if size is None:
size = (1,)
op = UniformRNG(seed=seed, handle=handle, dtype="float32")
_ref = Tensor([], dtype="int32", device=device)
shape = utils.astensor1d(size, _ref, dtype="int32", device=device)
(output,) = apply(op, shape)
return low + (high - low) * output
def _normal(
mean: float,
std: float,
size: Optional[Iterable[int]],
seed: int,
device: str,
handle: int,
) -> Tensor:
if size is None:
size = (1,)
op = GaussianRNG(seed=seed, mean=mean, std=std, handle=handle, dtype="float32")
_ref = Tensor([], dtype="int32", device=device)
shape = utils.astensor1d(size, _ref, dtype="int32", device=device)
(output,) = apply(op, shape)
return output
def _gamma(
shape: Union[Tensor, float],
scale: Union[Tensor, float],
size: Optional[Iterable[int]],
seed: int,
handle: int,
) -> Tensor:
handle_cn = None if handle == 0 else _get_rng_handle_compnode(handle)
if not isinstance(shape, Tensor):
assert shape > 0, "Gamma is not defined when shape <= 0"
shape = Tensor(shape, dtype="float32", device=handle_cn)
if not isinstance(scale, Tensor):
assert scale > 0, "Gamma is not defined when scale <= 0"
scale = Tensor(scale, dtype="float32", device=handle_cn)
assert (
handle_cn is None or handle_cn == shape.device
), "The shape ({}) must be the same device with handle ({})".format(
shape.device, handle_cn
assert (
handle_cn is None or handle_cn == scale.device
), "The scale ({}) must be the same device with handle ({})".format(
scale.device, handle_cn
if isinstance(size, int) and size != 0:
size = (size,)
shape, scale = _broadcast_tensors_with_size([shape, scale], size)
op = GammaRNG(seed=seed, handle=handle)
(output,) = apply(op, shape, scale)
return output
def _beta(
alpha: Union[Tensor, float],
beta: Union[Tensor, float],
size: Optional[Iterable[int]],
seed: int,
handle: int,
) -> Tensor:
handle_cn = None if handle == 0 else _get_rng_handle_compnode(handle)
if not isinstance(alpha, Tensor):
assert alpha > 0, "Beta is not defined when alpha <= 0"
alpha = Tensor(alpha, dtype="float32", device=handle_cn)
if not isinstance(beta, Tensor):
assert beta > 0, "Beta is not defined when beta <= 0"
beta = Tensor(beta, dtype="float32", device=handle_cn)
assert (
handle_cn is None or handle_cn == alpha.device
), "The alpha ({}) must be the same device with handle ({})".format(
alpha.device, handle_cn
assert (
handle_cn is None or handle_cn == beta.device
), "The beta ({}) must be the same device with handle ({})".format(
beta.device, handle_cn
if isinstance(size, int) and size != 0:
size = (size,)
alpha, beta = _broadcast_tensors_with_size([alpha, beta], size)
op = BetaRNG(seed=seed, handle=handle)
(output,) = apply(op, alpha, beta)
return output
def _poisson(
lam: Union[Tensor, float], size: Optional[Iterable[int]], seed: int, handle: int
) -> Tensor:
handle_cn = None if handle == 0 else _get_rng_handle_compnode(handle)
if not isinstance(lam, Tensor):
assert lam > 0, "Poisson is not defined when lam <= 0"
lam = Tensor(lam, dtype="float32", device=handle_cn)
if isinstance(size, int) and size != 0:
size = (size,)
assert (
handle_cn is None or handle_cn == lam.device
), "The lam ({}) must be the same device with handle ({})".format(
lam.device, handle_cn
(lam,) = _broadcast_tensors_with_size([lam], size)
op = PoissonRNG(seed=seed, handle=handle)
(output,) = apply(op, lam)
return output
def _permutation(n: int, seed: int, device: str, handle: int, dtype: str) -> Tensor:
assert isinstance(n, int)
assert n >= 0, "Permutation is not defined when n < 0"
size = (n,)
op = PermutationRNG(seed=seed, handle=handle, dtype=dtype)
_ref = Tensor([], dtype="int32", device=device)
shape = utils.astensor1d(size, _ref, dtype="int32", device=device)
(output,) = apply(op, shape)
return output
[文档]class RNG:
r""":class:`RNG` exposes a number of methods for generating random numbers.
seed: random seed used to initialize the pseudo-random number generator. Default: None
device: the device of generated tensor. Default: None
.. testcode::
import megengine.random as rand
rng = rand.RNG(seed=100)
x = rng.uniform(size=(2, 2))
.. testoutput::
:options: +SKIP
[[0.84811664 0.6147553 ]
[0.59429836 0.64727545]]
def __init__(self, seed: int = None, device: str = None):
self._device = device if device else get_default_device()
if seed is not None:
self._seed = seed
self._handle = _new_rng_handle(self._device, self._seed)
self._seed = _get_global_rng_seed
self._handle = 0
self._device = None
[文档] def normal(
self, mean: float = 0, std: float = 1, size: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None
r"""Random variable with Gaussian distribution :math:`N(\mu, \sigma)`.
mean: the mean or expectation of the distribution. Default: 0
std: the standard deviation of the distribution (variance = :math:`\sigma ^ 2`).
Default: 1
size: the size of output tensor. Default: None
the output tensor.
.. testcode::
import megengine as mge
import megengine.random as rand
x = rand.normal(mean=0, std=1, size=(2, 2))
.. testoutput::
:options: +SKIP
[[-1.4010863 -0.9874344 ]
[ 0.56373274 0.79656655]]
_seed = self._seed() if callable(self._seed) else self._seed
return _normal(
[文档] def gamma(
shape: Union[Tensor, float],
scale: Union[Tensor, float] = 1,
size: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None,
r"""Random variable with Gamma distribution :math:`\Gamma(k, \theta)`.
The corresponding probability density function is
.. math::
p(x)=x^{k-1} \frac{e^{-x / \theta}}{\theta^{k} \Gamma(k)}
\quad \text { for } x>0 \quad k, \theta>0,
where :math:`\Gamma(k)` is the gamma function,
.. math::
\Gamma(k)=(k-1) ! \quad \text { for } \quad k>0.
shape: the shape parameter (sometimes designated "k") of the distribution.
Must be non-negative.
scale: the scale parameter (sometimes designated "theta") of the distribution.
Must be non-negative. Default: 1
size: the size of output tensor. If shape and scale are scalars and given size is, e.g.,
`(m, n)`, then the output shape is `(m, n)`. If shape or scale is a Tensor and given size
is, e.g., `(m, n)`, then the output shape is `(m, n) + broadcast(shape, scale).shape`.
The broadcast rules are consistent with `numpy.broadcast`. Default: None
the output tensor.
.. testcode::
import megengine as mge
import megengine.random as rand
x = rand.gamma(shape=2, scale=1, size=(2, 2))
shape = mge.Tensor([[ 1],
[10]], dtype="float32")
scale = mge.Tensor([1,5], dtype="float32")
x = rand.gamma(shape=shape, scale=scale)
x = rand.gamma(shape=shape, scale=scale, size=2)
.. testoutput::
:options: +SKIP
[[1.5064533 4.0689363 ]
[0.71639484 1.4551026 ]]
[[ 0.4352188 11.399335 ]
[ 9.1888 52.009277 ]]
[[[ 1.1726005 3.9654975 ]
[13.656933 36.559006 ]]
[[ 0.25848487 2.5540342 ]
[11.960409 21.031536 ]]]
_seed = self._seed() if callable(self._seed) else self._seed
return _gamma(
shape=shape, scale=scale, size=size, seed=_seed, handle=self._handle
[文档] def beta(
alpha: Union[Tensor, float],
beta: Union[Tensor, float],
size: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None,
r"""Random variable with Beta distribution :math:`\operatorname{Beta}(\alpha, \beta)`.
The corresponding probability density function is
.. math::
p(x)=\frac{1}{\mathrm{~B}(\alpha, \beta)} x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}
\quad \text { for } \alpha, \beta>0,
where :math:`\mathrm{~B}(\alpha, \beta)` is the beta function,
.. math::
\mathrm{~B}(\alpha, \beta)=\int_{0}^{1} t^{\alpha-1}(1-t)^{\beta-1} d t.
alpha: the alpha parameter of the distribution. Must be non-negative.
beta: the beta parameter of the distribution. Must be non-negative.
size: the size of output tensor. If alpha and beta are scalars and given size is, e.g.,
`(m, n)`, then the output shape is `(m, n)`. If alpha or beta is a Tensor and given size
is, e.g., `(m, n)`, then the output shape is `(m, n) + broadcast(alpha, beta).shape`.
the output tensor.
.. testcode::
import megengine as mge
import megengine.random as rand
x = rand.beta(alpha=2, beta=1, size=(2, 2))
alpha = mge.Tensor([[0.5],
[ 3]], dtype="float32")
beta = mge.Tensor([0.5,5], dtype="float32")
x = rand.beta(alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
x = rand.beta(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, size=2)
.. testoutput::
:options: +SKIP
[[0.582565 0.91763186]
[0.86963767 0.6088103 ]]
[[0.41503012 0.16438372]
[0.90159506 0.47588003]]
[[[0.55195075 0.01111084]
[0.95298755 0.25048104]]
[[0.11680304 0.13859665]
[0.997879 0.43259275]]]
_seed = self._seed() if callable(self._seed) else self._seed
return _beta(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, size=size, seed=_seed, handle=self._handle)
[文档] def poisson(self, lam: Union[float, Tensor], size: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None):
r"""Random variable with poisson distribution :math:`\operatorname{Poisson}(\lambda)`.
The corresponding probability density function is
.. math::
f(k ; \lambda)=\frac{\lambda^{k} e^{-\lambda}}{k !},
where k is the number of occurrences :math:`({\displaystyle k=0,1,2...})`.
lam: the lambda parameter of the distribution. Must be non-negative.
size: the size of output tensor. If lam is a scalar and given size is, e.g., `(m, n)`,
then the output shape is `(m, n)`. If lam is a Tensor with shape `(k, v)` and given
size is, e.g., `(m, n)`, then the output shape is `(m, n, k, v)`. Default: None.
the output tensor.
.. testcode::
import megengine as mge
import megengine.random as rand
x = rand.poisson(lam=2., size=(1, 3))
lam = mge.Tensor([[1.,1.],
[10,10]], dtype="float32")
x = rand.poisson(lam=lam)
x = rand.poisson(lam=lam, size=(1,3))
.. testoutput::
:options: +SKIP
[[3. 1. 3.]]
[[ 2. 2.]
[12. 11.]]
[[[[ 1. 1.]
[11. 4.]]
[[ 0. 0.]
[ 9. 13.]]
[[ 0. 1.]
[ 7. 12.]]]]
_seed = self._seed() if callable(self._seed) else self._seed
return _poisson(lam=lam, size=size, seed=_seed, handle=self._handle)
[文档] def permutation(self, n: int, *, dtype: str = "int32"):
r"""Generates a random permutation of integers from :math:`0` to :math:`n - 1`.
n: the upper bound. Must be larger than 0.
dtype: the output data type. int32, int16 and float32 are supported. Default: int32
the output tensor.
.. testcode::
import megengine as mge
import megengine.random as rand
x = rand.permutation(n=10, dtype="int32")
x = rand.permutation(n=10, dtype="float32")
.. testoutput::
:options: +SKIP
[4 5 0 7 3 8 6 1 9 2]
[3. 4. 9. 0. 6. 8. 7. 1. 5. 2.]
_seed = self._seed() if callable(self._seed) else self._seed
return _permutation(
n=n, seed=_seed, device=self._device, handle=self._handle, dtype=dtype
def __del__(self):
if self._handle != 0:
def _default_rng():
r"""Default constructor for :class:`RNG`."""
return RNG(seed=None, device=None)
_default_handle = _default_rng()
uniform = _default_handle.uniform
normal = _default_handle.normal
gamma = _default_handle.gamma
beta = _default_handle.beta
poisson = _default_handle.poisson
permutation = _default_handle.permutation
def _random_seed_generator():
assert _rng
while True:
yield _rng.random_raw()
[文档]def seed(seed: int):
global _rng # pylint: disable=global-statement
_rng = MT19937(seed=seed)